The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

Senate Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Recommendations

Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner
May 26, 2012

The Senate completed debate on its Fiscal Year 2013 (FY13) Budget Recommendations yesterday. The Senate supported an additional $4.4 million in total spending above the Senate Ways & Means Committee's report for the Department. The increase was reflected in five accounts: ELL Professional Development ($750,000), METCO ($1 million), Regional Transportation ($2 million), School to Work Connecting Activities ($450,000) and Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment ($200,000). The Senate has continued to prioritize spending recommendations that are supportive of our mission here at the Department, although in some accounts (Targeted Assistance, District and School Accountability, and MCAS Student Support), not at the level advanced by the Board. The full Senate's recognition of the Department's need for ELL Professional Development funding is a positive statement, as well as the support for the program administrative needs within the Department.

The Senate FY13 total budget recommendation for the Department of $4.708 billion represents an increase of $218.7 million above the FY12 estimated departmental spending of $4.490 billion, $61.5 million above the Governor's (House 2) FY13 budget of $4.647 billion, and an increase of $25.9 million above the final House FY 13 budget of $4.683 billion.

The budget process now moves to conference committee for development of a budget that will be voted on by both chambers.

The Senate provided many increases consistent with several budget priorities identified by the Board.

Continued Financial Support for Local Districts

Increased Assistance for District and School Turnaround

Professional Development for English Language Learners Instruction


Administrative Resources

In addition to the Board areas of priority, the Senate included increases in a number of additional Department accounts.

Funding for several appropriations were either reduced or eliminated as follows:

The balance of the Department's accounts is either level funded at current appropriation levels or have small increases included to cover anticipated FY13 costs.

The attached chart compares the Senate FY13 budget recommendations to the Governor's House 2 recommendations, the House recommendations, as well as the projected FY12 spending and identifies any variances.

Please let Bill Bell (781.338.6528) or me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Download Excel Document
Analysis of the FY13 Senate Budget, June 2012

C.Senior Staff