The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

Progress Report - Integration of College and Career Readiness Recommendations

Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner
November 14, 2014

At the November 25 State Board meeting, staff of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Department) and members of the Integration of College and Career Readiness (ICCR) Advisory Group will present an update on the ICCR Task Force recommendations. This memorandum provides background for the discussion.


In November 2011, the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (Board) asked then-Board member Gerald Chertavian to chair a task force to develop recommendations on integrating college and career readiness to help all students become better prepared for postsecondary education and economically viable career pathways. The resulting Integration of College and Career Readiness (ICCR) Task Force Report was accepted by the Board on June 26, 2012, and the Department was charged with developing a plan for moving the report recommendations forward. Since then, the Department has presented three progress updates to the Board. The most recent update was in December 2013.

Progress Update

I am pleased to report we continue to make steady progress. Gerald Chertavian chairs the ICCR Advisory Group, which has met twice so far in 2014 and is moving the recommendations forward through the work of three subcommittees: 1) Advocacy; 2) Communications; and 3) Employer Champions. Since December 2013, the Department has accomplished the following milestones:

Project Management

Communication and Professional Development

Data Capacity

We are delighted that Gerald Chertavian and other members of the ICCR Advisory Group will join Associate Commissioner Pati Gregson and Keith Westrich, our Director of College and Career Readiness, at the November 25 meeting to discuss this initiative with the Board.


  1. ICCR Task Force Report and Recommendations
  2. ICCR Advisory Group Members
  3. Career Development Education High School Participation Categories