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Mathematics > Course Model Mathematics I (Integrated Pathway) > Congruence

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Mathematics | Course : Model Mathematics I (Integrated Pathway)

Domain - Congruence

Cluster - Experiment with transformations in the plane.

[MI.G-CO.A.2] - Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometry software; describe transformations as functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give other points as outputs. Compare transformations that preserve distance and angle to those that do not (e.g., translation versus horizontal stretch).


  • Function
    A mathematical relation for which each element of the domain corresponds to exactly one element of the range.
  • Transformation
    A prescription, or rule, that sets up a one-to-one correspondence between the points in a geometric object (the pre-image) and the points in another geometric object (the image). Reflections, rotations, translations, and dilations are particular examples of transformations.

Predecessor Standards:

  • 8.F.A.1
    Understand that a function is a rule that assigns to each input exactly one output. The graph of a function is the set of ordered pairs consisting of an input and the corresponding output. [Note: Function notation is not required in grade 8.]
  • 8.G.A.1.a
    Lines are transformed to lines, and line segments to line segments of the same length.
  • 8.G.A.1.b
    Angles are transformed to angles of the same measure.

Successor Standards:

No Successor Standards found.

Same Level Standards:

  • GEO.G-CO.A.1
    Know precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment, based on the undefined notions of point, line, distance along a line, and distance around a circular arc.
  • MI.F-IF.A.1
    Understand that a function from one set (called the domain) to another set (called the range) assigns to each element of the domain exactly one element of the range. If f is a function and x is an element of its domain, then f(x) denotes the output of f corresponding to the input x. The graph of f is the graph of the equation y = f(x).
  • MI.F-IF.A.2
    Use function notation, evaluate functions for inputs in their domains, and interpret statements that use function notation in terms of a context. For example, given a function representing a car loan, determine the balance of the loan at different points in time.
  • MI.G-CO.A.1
    Know precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment, based on the undefined notions of point, line, distance along a line, and distance around a circular arc.
  • MI.G-CO.A.4
    Develop definitions of rotations, reflections, and translations in terms of angles, circles, perpendicular lines, parallel lines, and line segments.
  • MII.G-C.A.3
    Construct the inscribed and circumscribed circles of a triangle, and prove properties of angles for a quadrilateral and other polygons inscribed in a circle.
  • MII.G-GPE.A.2
    Derive the equation of a parabola given a focus and directrix.