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Science and Technology/Engineering > Grade High School > Earth and Space Sciences

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Science and Technology/Engineering | Grade : High School

Discipline - Earth and Space Sciences

Core Idea - Earth's Systems

[HS.ESS.2.4] - Use a model to describe how variations in the flow of energy into and out of Earth’s systems over different time scales result in changes in climate. Analyze and interpret data to explain that long-term changes in Earth’s tilt and orbit result in cycles of climate change such as Ice Ages. Clarification Statement: Examples of the causes of climate change differ by timescale: large volcanic eruption and ocean circulation over 1–10 years; changes in human activity, ocean circulation, and solar output over tens to hundreds of years; changes to Earth’s orbit and the orientation of its axis over tens to hundreds of thousands of years; and long-term changes in atmospheric composition over tens to hundreds of millions of years. State Assessment Boundary: Changes in climate will be limited to changes in surface temperatures, precipitation patterns, glacial ice volumes, sea levels, and biosphere distribution in state assessment.


Predecessor Standards:

  • 8.EE.A.4
    Perform operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation, including problems where both decimal and scientific notation are used. Use scientific notation and choose units of appropriate size for measurements of very large or very small quantities (e.g., use millimeters per year for seafloor spreading). Interpret scientific notation that has been generated by technology.
  • 8.F.B.5
    Describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities by analyzing a graph (e.g., where the function is increasing or decreasing, linear or nonlinear). Sketch a graph that exhibits the qualitative features of a function that has been described verbally.
  • 8.ESS.1.1
    Develop and use a model of the Earth-Sun system to explain the cyclical pattern of seasons, which includes Earth’s tilt and differential intensity of sunlight on different areas of Earth across the year. Clarification Statement: Examples of models can be physical or graphical.
  • 8.ESS.2.6
    Describe how interactions involving the ocean affect weather and climate on a regional scale, including the influence of the ocean temperature as mediated by energy input from the Sun and energy loss due to evaporation or redistribution via ocean currents. Clarification Statement: A regional scale includes a state or multi-state perspective. State Assessment Boundary: Koppen Climate Classification names are not expected in state assessment.

Successor Standards:

No Successor Standards found.

Same Level Standards:

  • RCA-ST.9-10.1
    Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions.
  • RCA-ST.9-10.7
    Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words.
  • AI.N-Q.A.1
    Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays.*
  • AI.N-Q.A.2
    Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling.*
  • AI.S-ID.B.6
    Represent data on two quantitative variables on a scatter plot, and describe how the variables are related.*
  • HS.ESS.3.3
    Illustrate relationships among management of natural resources, the sustainability of human populations, and biodiversity. Clarification Statements: Examples of factors related to the management of natural resources include costs of resource extraction and waste management, per capita consumption, and the development of new technologies. Examples of factors related to human sustainability include agricultural efficiency, levels of conservation, and urban planning. Examples of factors related to biodiversity include habitat use and fragmentation, and land and resource conservation.