Grant Allocations & Awards: FY2018

Fund Code: 158
Innovation Schools Enhancement Grant

Funds Allocated:$100,000 (State)
Funds Requested:$348,177
Purpose: The purpose of this one-time The purpose of this one-time state funded Innovation Schools Enhancement Grant is to provide district and school support for the enhanced implementation of the autonomies and flexibilities identified in approved innovation plans.
Number of Proposals Received:15
Number of Proposals Recommended:4
Number of Proposals Not Recommended:11
Result of Funding: Enhancement grant funds will support professional development, contractual services, and curriculum updates in four school districts.

Margarita Muniz Academy (Boston Public Schools)$30,000
Dexter Park Innovation School (Orange Public Schools)30,000
International Baccalaureate School at Quabbin (Quabbin Regional School District)11,947
Paul Revere Innovation School (Revere Public Schools)28.053
Total State Funds$100,000