Grant Allocations & Awards: FY2018

Fund Code: 376
Gateway Cities English Learner Enrichment Academies

Funds Allocated:$250,000 (State)
Funds Requested:$250,000
Purpose: The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has completed its solicitation for the Gateway Cities English Learners Enrichment Academies Grant, a competitive grant program that is open only to applicants serving the Commonwealth's 26 Gateway Municipalities as defined by Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 23A, Section 3A. The purpose of the Gateway Cities English Learner Enrichment Academies Comparative Grant is to support the implementation of targeted strategies that will provide intensive and accelerated learning opportunities for middle and high school students who are English language learners. The intended outcomes of these competitive grants are as follows:

  1. measurable increases in English learner students' English language fluency, comprehension, and reading and writing abilities;
  2. increased student confidence to successfully participate in and complete all academic classes; and
  3. longer-term improvements as measured by statewide assessments and achievement in academic courses, quicker exit from English learner status, and higher retention and graduation rates, especially for high school students
The Gateway Cities English Lerner Enrichment Academy is a competitive one year grant, and it is not re-occurring. DESE received five proposals; a total of two grants for $125, 000 each (total of $250,000) are recommended.

Here is the link to the RFP (grant code 376) for more details.

Number of Proposals Received:5
Number of Proposals Recommended:2
Number of Proposals Not Recommended:3
Result of Funding: Two recommended recipients of $125,000 each — Total of $250,000

Fall River Public Schools $125,000
New Bedford Public Schools125,000
Total State Funds$250,000