Grant Allocations & Awards: FY2018

Fund Code: 574
Massachusetts Early Literacy Intervention Program

Funds Allocated:$300,000 (State)
Funds Requested:$299,997
Purpose: The purpose of the competitive state-funded Massachusetts Early Literacy Intervention grant program is to support ongoing professional development for Reading Recovery, an early literacy tutorial program, designed as a short-term intervention program for children struggling with reading in first grade.

This grant program supports implementation of district standards and indicators. Applicants will use grant funds to support these standards and priorities. Grant applications were reviewed in part on the basis of how likely the respondent's plans are to result in improvements in these areas.
Number of Proposals Received:5 Districts 1 Collaborative
Number of Proposals Recommended:5 Districts 1 Collaborative
Number of Proposals Not Recommended:0
Result of Funding: The grant is intended to improve early literacy practices in first grade. There will be 5 school districts and 1 collaborative involved. The grant amounts range from $25,301 to $79,517.

Boston Public Schools$43,373
Cambridge Public Schools41,566
Collaborative for Educational Services69,725
Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District79,517
Haverhill Public Schools25,301
Springfield Public Schools37,952
Total State Funds$297,488