The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

FY16 State Budget Planning

Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner
October 15, 2014

In preparation for the Board Budget Committee meeting next Friday, October 17, 2014, I am providing you with three background documents:

  1. The November 22, 2013, letter to Secretary Malone advancing the Fiscal Year 2015 budget priorities of the Board.
  2. A spreadsheet that displays our state account appropriation levels from FY08 to FY15.
  3. A briefing paper that outlines how the Department has organized its assistance for schools and districts in Level 3, 4, and 5 and has targeted its resources to support this work. I have included the paper:
    1. in response to Board members' requests for information on the use of targeted assistance funds and
    2. to provide background information on the need for an increase in the state Targeted Assistance line item (7061-9408) to enable the agency to meet its responsibilities under the state's 2010 An Act Relative to the Achievement Gap and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

I anticipate that we will have additional background information to share at the meeting.


State Education Budget Transmittal Letter from Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
Download PDF Document
State Budget Summary FY08-FY15
Download PDF Document
Briefing Paper on the Massachusetts System of Support for Level 3, 4 and 5 Schools and Districts