Changing Your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Email

To change your MFA email, please login to the Education Security Portal (ESP) and click 'Update Profile' located in the top-right corner of the screen.

ESP homepage with 'Update Profile' highlighted.

After clicking Update Profile, you will be defaulted to the Update Your Password section. Please click on the 'Update Your MFA Email' tab. You will then be prompted to enter your password and the new email address you would like to be associated with MFA. Click Update.

'Update Your Profile' page with 'Update your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Email' highlighted. 'Update your MFA Email' page with 'Update' button highlighted.

After clicking update, an email will be sent to the new MFA email address containing a verification code. Enter this code and click 'Verify'. Note: If you do not see the email, please check your spam or junk folder. If you still do not see it, click 'Resend Code'.

'Enter MFA verification code' page with 'Verify' highlighted. MFA verification code email.

After the code is verified, you will be directed back to the ESP Homepage. There will be a green banner at the top of the page as confirmation that you have successfully updated your MFA email.

ESP homepage with green banner stating the user has successfully updated their MFA email.