Standards Map

Mathematics > Grade PK > Measurement and Data

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Mathematics | Grade : PK

Domain - Measurement and Data

Cluster - Describe and compare measurable attributes.

[PK.MD.A.1] - Recognize the attributes of length, area, weight, and capacity of everyday objects using appropriate vocabulary (e.g., long, short, tall, heavy, light, big, small, wide, narrow).


  • Attribute
    A common feature of a set of figures.
  • Capacity
    The maximum amount or number that can be contained or accommodated, e.g., a jug with a one-gallon capacity; the auditorium was filled to capacity.

Predecessor Standards:

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Successor Standards:

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Same Level Standards:

  • PK.CC.C.5
    Use comparative language, such as more/less than, equal to, to compare and describe collections of objects.
  • PK.MD.A.2
    Compare the attributes of length and weight for two objects, including longer/shorter, same length; heavier/lighter, same weight; holds more/less, holds the same amount.
  • PK.MD.B.3
    Sort, categorize, and classify objects by more than one attribute.
  • PK.G.A.1
    Identify relative positions of objects in space, and use appropriate language (e.g., beside, inside, next to, close to, above, below, apart).
  • PreK.ESS.3.1
    Engage in discussion and raise questions using examples about local resources (including soil and water) humans use to meet their needs.
  • PreK.LS.1.1
    Compare, using descriptions and drawings, the external body parts of animals (including humans) and plants and explain functions of some of the observable body parts. Clarification Statement: Examples can include comparison of humans and horses: humans have two legs and horses four, but both use legs to move.
  • PreK.LS.1.3
    Use their five senses in their exploration and play to gather information.
  • PreK.LS.3.1
    Use observations to explain that young plants and animals are like but not exactly like their parents. Clarification Statement: Examples of observations include puppies that look similar but not exactly the same as their parents.
  • PreK.LS.3.2
    Use observations to recognize differences and similarities among themselves and their friends.
  • PreK.PS.2.1
    Using evidence, discuss ideas about what is making something move the way it does and how some movements can be controlled.
  • PreK.PS.2.2
    Through experience, develop awareness of factors that influence whether things stand or fall. Clarification Statement: Examples of factors in children’s construction play include using a broad foundation when building, considering the strength of materials, and using balanced weight distribution in a block building.