Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs: FY2018

District and School Assistance Grant
Fund Code: 323-B, 220-E

Purpose:The purpose of this grant program is to support improvement in DSAC-Served districts and their eligible schools through participation in regionally-based professional development and assistance initiatives associated with the District and School Assistance Centers (DSACs). DSAC regional assistance is designed to enhance district and regional capacity to plan, implement and sustain research-based practices to improve student performance and is aligned with the Massachusetts District Accountability and Assistance Framework.

Priorities: District grant allocations will provide support to districts for expenses for staff to participate in initiatives and activities that support implementation of the DESE Turnaround Practices, including professional development meeting DESE Professional Development Standards and/or to access other school and district improvement assistance offered through or agreed upon by the District and School Assistance Center's Regional Assistance Director.

The Turnaround Practices (TP) are:
  1. Leadership, Shared Responsibility, and Professional Collaboration
  2. Intentional Practices for Improving Instruction
  3. Providing Student-Specific Instruction and Supports to All Students
  4. A Safe, Respectful, and Collegial Climate for Teachers and Students
DSAC-Served Districts with Level 3 schools identified in percentiles 1-10 in the 2016 Lists of Massachusetts Schools and Districts by Accountability and Assistance Level are allocated funding to support school site visits through a DESE approved vendor and the development and implementation of school turnaround plans. (See Appendix B for eligibility and amounts.)

Eligibility: DSAC-served districts with schools designated as Level 3 in 2016-17 based on student performance. (See FY18 District and School Assistance Grant Allotment List in Appendix A.)

Districts in Level 3 status SOLELY because of low MCAS participation rates or graduation rates are not eligible to receive funds through this grant.

Funding Type:323-B: Federal Title I CFDA # 84.010
220-E: State Targeted Assistance

Funding: Up to $1,572,000 is available through Federal Title I School Improvement funds (323-B), and $490,718 through State Targeted Assistance funds (220-E) to be distributed among the eligible districts in the six DSAC regions. (See attached FY18 District and School Assistance Grant Allotment List in Appendix A.)

Basic district grant allotments:
  • Title I allotments (i.e., Fund Code 323-B) are based on economically disadvantaged enrollment in DSAC-served:

    • Title I schools in the lowest 5 percentiles compared to like schools in the MA Accountability System, or

    • Title I schools identified as Focus Schools for performance of subgroups in the lowest 20 percentiles; and,

  • State Targeted Assistance allotments (i.e., Fund Code 220-E) are based on the economically disadvantaged enrollment in Non-Title I schools in the lowest 10 percentiles in eligible districts.

  • District allotments are weighted based on the percentile ranking of each eligible school in the MA Accountability Framework. Schools with lower percentile rankings are weighted more heavily than schools with higher percentile rankings.

Districts with schools in the lowest 10 percentiles receive additional funding beyond the basic district allotment to provide Level 3 Turnaround Supports. (See Appendix B for eligibility and amounts.)

ESEA requires states and districts to implement "evidence-based" practices, activities, strategies and interventions with demonstrated evidence of effectiveness. Evidence-based practices refer to interventions for which there is evidence of significant positive impact that can be found in published research papers, literature reviews, or the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education research briefs. Alternately, evidence-based practices can be those local practices that a district or state has previously instituted, measured, and found to be effective. Additional guidance from the U.S. Department of Education regarding evidence can be found at Non-Regulatory Guidance: Using Evidence to Strengthen Education Investments.

Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding is to become available it will be distributed under the same guideline as listed in the initial RFP document.

Fund Use: Fund use must be consistent with applicable state and/or federal requirements. Districts are allowed to budget funds at both the district level and school level.

All expenditures will be closely reviewed as they relate to the priorities of this grant opportunity.

Fund use must be consistent with the priorities described above and requirements associated with the following funding sources:

Title I School Improvement Funds (Fund Code 323-B) must be used to support:
  • Level 3 Turnaround Plan implementation in Title I eligible schools in the lowest 10 percentiles;
  • Closing subgroup gaps for which the school has been identified for subgroup performance gaps.
All funds from this source must be attributed to eligible Title I schools. (A special worksheet is included in the workbook for this purpose.) Funds must supplement, and not supplant, non-federal funds that would otherwise be used for activities authorized under this grant. Title I School Improvement funds may be used through August 31, 2018.

State Targeted Assistance Funds (Fund Code 220-E) may be used to support:
  • Level 3 Turnaround Plan implementation in non-Title I eligible schools in the lowest 10 percentiles;
State Targeted Assistance funds may be used through June 30, 2018.

Funds may be used for the following:
  1. Vendor costs for educators to participate in professional development aligned to the Massachusetts Standards for Professional Development

  2. Stipends for educators to participate in designated professional development beyond contractual hours or payment for substitutes while teachers participate in professional development aligned to the Massachusetts Standards for Professional Development and DSAC delivered or approved assistance activities (See Appendices F, G & H for more details.)

  3. In-state travel and mileage associated with attendance at professional development

  4. Materials or supplies directly related to proposed professional development and other targeted assistance. Materials expenses in excess of 20% of the total grant must be approved in advance by the DESE Office for the Regional System of Support. Contact Abigail Slayton, 781-338-3517, for further information

  5. Other costs related to school and district improvement initiatives in consultation with the DSAC Regional Assistance Director (See Appendix F for more information.)

Funds may not be used to provide refreshments.

Partial proposals

Partial proposals to fund school year activities will be accepted and amendments for additionally allotted funds accepted.

Project Duration:Approval date to - 6/30/2018 (state) and 8/31/18 (federal)
Program Unit:Regional System of Support, Center for District Support
Contacts: Abigail T. Slayton
Phone Number:(781) 338-3517

Date Due: March 16, 2018

Proposals must be received at the Department by 5:00 p.m. on the date due.

Districts may submit proposals at any time before the grant deadline. Proposals will be processed as they are received.

Districts proposing to fund school-year activities must submit a proposal to DESE that has been approved by its DSAC Regional Assistance Director at least four weeks before planned expenditures. See Funding above for contact information.

Required Forms:
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Fund Code 220-E Workbook: Part I - Standard Contract and Application for Program (signed and scanned PDF) and Part II - Required Program Information for 220-E funding: Applicants will use this workbook to indicate the amount of funding under this grant attributable to eligible schools

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Fund Code 323-B Workbook: Part I - Standard Contract and Application for Program Grants (signed and scanned PDF) and Part II - Required Program Information for 323-B funding: Applicants will use this workbook to indicate the amount of funding under this grant attributable to Title I eligible schools

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Part III Required Narrative Program Information. Districts will use this form to provide a narrative describing how grant funds will be used to support school turnaround for schools in percentiles 1 -10 and to support improved outcomes for identified student subgroups in schools in percentiles 11-20.

Additional Information: Each grant recipient must complete a DSAC Grant Programmatic Final Report to be submitted no later than Wednesday, September 30, 2018 prior to 5:00 p.m. (See Appendix I for Final Report form.)

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Appendix A: DSAC Grant Allotment List: Provides a list of allotted amounts available to eligible districts.
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Appendix B: Level 3 Turnaround Supports Eligibility and Allotment List: Provides an eligibility and allotment list by school for the Level 3 Turnaround Supports.
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Appendix C: Budget Worksheet Template Tool: Provides a template/worksheet to complete, along with Part III Narrative, and email to respective Regional Assistance Director for approval prior to EdGrants submission.

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Appendix D: Focus Groups by School List. Provides a listing by school of focus groups identified for achievement gaps.

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Appendix E: Level 3 Turnaround Supports Description: Provides a description of the Level 3 Turnaround Supports initiative.

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Appendix F: Instructions for DSAC Grant Fund Use: Provides information for completing the DSAC Grant application.

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Appendix G: PD Self Assessment Guide: Explains how to complete the PD self-assessment.

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Appendix H: PD Self Assessment Worksheet: Provides evidence of alignment of professional development to the MA Standards for Professional Development.

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Appendix I: DSAC Grant Programmatic Final Report Form: Provides a template for completing the Final Report due September 30, 2018.

Submission Instructions: All grant application must be submitted through our new Grants Management system, EdGrants.

Prior to submitting in EdGrants: Applicants must submit the completed Workbook Parts I and II, Part III Required Narrative Program Information form and Appendix C: Budget Worksheet Template Tool to the appropriate DSAC Regional Assistance Director and receive email pre-approval from that individual prior to submitting an application in the EdGrants system. The pre-approval must be copied to Abigail Slayton,, prior to submission of the application in EdGrants. (See Appendices C, D & E for more detailed information.)

Regional Assistance Directors: Once pre-approval is received, applicants must submit their Application Submission into EdGrants. All required forms listed in the RFP must be attached in the "Attachments List" section of the Application Submission.

In EdGrants, applicants are required to create and name the project. Please use the following naming convention for your "Applicant Project Name" in EdGrants:

FY18 (Insert Fund Code Number and Program Unit) Applicant Name

All items listed under the required forms section of this RFP should be uploaded / attached in the Attachments List formlet of the Application Submission in EdGrants. This includes a signed / scanned PDF of Part I / Coversheet with Superintendent's signature as well as Schedule A form, if applicable to your district. The final budget the applicant is requesting will be entered directly into EdGrants as part of the application submission process.

For Guidance Documents regarding EdGrants, visit EdGrants: User Guides and Information.

Please note: It is up to the district to determine who they want to add as EdGrants Front Office users in order to submit grant application as well as payment request information. Please review the EdGrants: User Security Controls to make informed decisions regarding assigning your district level users.