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Massachusetts Charter Schools

Charter Schools Best Practices

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Boston Preparatory Charter Public School

Using Data to Drive Instruction

Topics: Internal and/or external student assessment systems
Using school-wide and individual student assessment data to inform curriculum and instruction
Mission: Boston Preparatory Charter Public School utilizes rigorous curriculum, extended academic time, and a range of supports for children and families to prepare 6th-12th grade students to succeed in college. An environment structured around scholarship and personal growth cultivates students’ virtues of courage, compassion, integrity, perseverance, and respect.”
Goals: 1. To build the capacity of school leaders and teachers to understand and effectively use real-time data to improve instruction and increase student achievement.
Summary: Massachusetts Public School Performance. Boston Prep participates in a network of schools that administer a common set of exams in mathematics and literacy. These assessments are standards-driven and administered five to six times annual to the school’s 5th – 8th grade students. Results are carefully analyzed and teachers at participating schools share practices leading to high levels of student achievement on the exams. This dissemination project is coordinated and facilitated by Massachusetts Public School Performance (MPSP) and is privately funded. Boston Preparatory Charter Public School is one of a network of schools that administers mathematics and literacy assessments designed and scored by MPSP. The school was invited by the staff of MPSP to join the network, and after ongoing discussions with the organization, the Head of School and Principal of Boston Prep decided to participate. The results of the project have been formally documented and reported to the school’s Board of Trustees, as well as to participating teachers and administrators.
Dates: 01/01/2005
Contact: Amanda Gardner, Principal ( Massachusetts Public School Performance (
Resources: Study Group consisting of MPSP participants, including teachers and school principals or instructional leaders School Visit Program Workshop for MPSP participants
Federal Charter Schools Program Funds? No

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Last Updated: February 10, 2021

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