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Bridgewater - Bridgewater State College, Rondileau Campus Center, 19 Park Avenue, Bridgewater, MA 02325

Directions to Bridgewater State College
Please select the direction you are traveling from:

Directions from the North:
Take I-93 to Route 24 South
Follow Route 24 South to Exit 15 (Bridgewater/Raynham - Route 104).
Take Route 104 East to stop sign (approximately three miles).
Turn left and approach rotary in Bridgewater Center.
Follow Directions to Rondileau Campus Center

Directions from the West:
Follow the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) to I-495 South to Exit 7A (Route 24 North).
Once on Route 24 North, take Exit 15 (Bridgewater/Raynham - Route 104).

Follow Route 104 East to stop sign (approximately three miles).
Turn left and approach rotary in Bridgewater Center.
Follow Directions to Rondileau Campus Center

Directions from the East:
Follow Route 106 West to Route 104.
For Chapel Lot, take first left on to Park Avenue; enter at left after third brick building on left.
Follow Directions to Rondileau Campus Center

Directions from Cape Cod:
Follow I-495 North to Exit 7A (Route 24 North).
Once on Route 24 North, take Exit 15 (first exit, Bridgewater/Raynham - Route 104.
Take Route 104 East to stop sign (approximately three miles).
Turn left and approach rotary in Bridgewater Center.
Follow Directions to Rondileau Campus Center

To: Rondileau Campus Center

Proceed to rotary. Take School Street off rotary. (As you enter rotary, School Street will be straight ahead - you will see the fire station on the left as you enter.)
Take left at end of the street on to Summer Street.
Take first right on to Park Avenue.
Visitor parking for West Campus offices is in the Chapel Lot on the left past the third brick building (Kelly Gymnasium.)

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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