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For Immediate Release
Monday, April 7, 2003
Contact:Heidi B. Perlman 781-223-1902

MCAS English Composition Administration Postponed Until Thursday April 10

MALDEN - Education officials have postponed the administration of the composition portion of the 2003 MCAS English Language Arts exam until Thursday, April 10 because of the major snowstorm predicted to hit Massachusetts tonight. The essay portion of the English exam was originally scheduled to be given to students in grades four, seven, and 10 on Tuesday, April 8. Schools will be required to submit the makeup composition survey, as required by the Department of Education on Friday, April 11. This survey reports how many students were absent during the administration, and who will be required to take the make-up exam on May 8. No other changes to the schedule for the 2003 exam have been made, said Education Commissioner David P. Driscoll. “For security reasons it is critical that all of our schools administer this exam on the same day, so even if some schools are unaffected by the storm, it is important they wait until Thursday as well,” he said. “Since this has been such an unpredictable winter, I don’t want to take any chances, just in case some of our schools are unable to open or experience delays. By postponing the exam for a few days, all schools will be able to properly administer this crucial part of our assessment together.” For more details on scheduling for the 2003 administration of the MCAS exam, look online at

Last Updated: April 7, 2003

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