Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Logo

Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System

Student Assessment Update: June 22, 2015

Science Assessment Survey for Public Comment

The Department is conducting a survey to collect input on upcoming revisions to the current MCAS science and technology/engineering assessments. The survey is available through Friday, July 10, and takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

Release of ACCESS for ELLs Results

The ACCESS for ELLs Student Data File, with Student Growth Percentiles for ACCESS (SGPA), was posted in DropBox Central on June 17. The interactive Student Roster and interactive Summary of District/School Proficiency Levels will be available in Edwin Analytics the week of June 22nd. line

Subscriber Information

Principals, MCAS test coordinators, PARCC test coordinators, special education directors, and ELL directors receive this update based on contact information submitted to the Department. To change your email address or to add another staff member, please follow the instructions below:
  • Public school districts, public schools, charter public schools, collaboratives, approved private special education schools: submit the new email address to your District-Level Directory Administrator.
  • Test sites, adult education programs, out-of-state schools, SEIS-DYS programs: submit an email address (along with your District and School Code) to
In addition to this Update, PARCC districts may find the biweekly PARCC bulletins to be useful. We welcome your feedback at and

Last Updated: June 25, 2015

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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