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Special Education

Linking IEP Development and the Secondary Transition Process

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The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) invites teams of 3 – 4 school district personnel to attend a two-day intensive secondary transition training on writing transition-rich IEPs and planning for the delivery of high quality transition services.

Training content:

During this two-day training, school district teams will learn how to develop student-driven IEPs that are based upon a student's postsecondary vision and reflect the student's and family's active participation in the secondary transition process. Participants will examine current practices in their districts for secondary transition planning and IEP development, as they relate to legal requirements and best practice. They will consider how to effectively use existing district resources to provide high quality services. Each participant must bring at least one student IEP and Transition Planning Form (TPF), with student's identifying information redacted, for their own use during the training.

Training Dates:

The same training will be held three times, in Worcester, Holyoke, and Andover. Districts teams should register for only one of the three dates. Teams must participate for the full two days. Student-made food will be available to purchase for breakfast and lunch.
November 30, 2016 and
December 1, 2016
Worcester Technical High School,
1 Skyline Drive, Worcester, MA 01605
8:30 AM Registration
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Training
December 6/7, 2016William J. Dean Technical High School,
1045 Main St, Holyoke, MA 01040
8:30 AM Registration
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Training
December 13/14, 2016Greater Lawrence Vocational Technical High School,
57 River Road, Andover, MA 01810
8:30 AM Registration
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Training
Required team composition:
1st member — Middle or high school special educator
2nd member — A systems-level staff person who has the authority to make resource and programmatic decisions (e.g., special education director)
3rd member — Any one of the following: related service provider, team chair, guidance counselor, school psychologist, assistive technology specialist, transition specialist, work-and-learning coordinator, vocational-technical shop teacher, general education teacher, SEPAC representative
Optional 4th member — Any one of the following: related service provider, team chair, guidance counselor, school psychologist, assistive technology specialist, transition specialist, work-and-learning coordinator, vocational-technical shop teacher, general education teacher, SEPAC representative
Districts must attend in teams, and teams will not be accepted without the required roles/composition of roles. Teams must participate for the full two days. Space for these trainings is limited and will be capped at 50 people per training. If demand exceeds capacity, district teams will be accepted in this priority order:
  1. Team from the hosting CVTE school
  2. Level 5 school districts
  3. Commissioner's districts
  4. Districts participating in The Partnership Project grant [Attleboro, Chelsea, Methuen, Pittsfield , West Springfield, Winchendon]
  5. FY15 determination of need for special education technical assistance or intervention Level: Needs Intervention
  6. FY15 determination of need for special education technical assistance or intervention Level: Needs Technical Assistance
  7. Date of application
Registration will close on or before November 23, 2016.

Last Updated: October 27, 2016

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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