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Digital Literacy and Computer Science Framework Implementation Panel Application

To:Superintendents, Principals, Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Coordinators, Instructional Technology Directors/Coordinators, Teachers, and Other Interested Parties
From:Heather Peske, Ed.D.
Senior Associate Commissioner, Center for Instructional Support (CIS)
Date:March 6, 2017

The adoption of the 2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science Framework (DLCS) has and will lead to changes in the education of our students. To support districts with efficaciously implementing the DLCS Framework, the Department is assembling a panel comprised of stakeholders who possess diverse perspectives and expertise. The panel will be charged with developing recommendations for:
  • licensing DLCS teachers through a Competency Review (CR) process;
  • synthesizing public comment on proposals related to DLCS licensure and Subject Matter Knowledge (SMK) requirements;
  • identifying DLCS Professional Development (PD) needs of in-service teachers; and
  • cultivating a communication plan to support DLCS Framework implementation and credentialing.
The Department is collaborating with the Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network (MassCAN) and Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE) to support implementation of the DLCS Framework. These partners will also help facilitate panel activities. The Department is soliciting applications for the DLCS Framework Implementation Panel, which will consist of approximately 30-35 members. The Department welcomes and encourages diverse representation on the Panel, including:
  • educators who teach computer science and/or digital literacy in elementary, middle, and secondary schools; higher education or education faculty who teach college-level computer science or digital literacy-related courses;
  • educators of students with disabilities and English learners (ELs);
  • educators who have incorporated digital literacy and/or computer science in mathematics, literacy, history, economics, arts, comprehensive health, or vocational/technical courses;
  • district and school administrators, including superintendents, principals, and curriculum coordinators;
  • community members, including parents, school committee members, librarians, and educators from informal and other educational institutions or agencies who help support students to improve their computer science knowledge and/or digital literacy skills;
  • business personnel with experience in hiring and training employees in computer science and related fields; and
  • researchers in the fields of computer science and digital literacy.

To apply to serve on the DLCS Framework Implementation Panel, visit DLCS Implementation Panel Application Form. Applications must be submitted by Friday, April 7, 2017. School district personnel should confirm administrative support prior to applying. The DLCS Framework Implementation Panel will meet approximately on 10 different occasions for full days between May 2017 and April 2018 with no more than seven meetings occurring during regularly scheduled school days. Due to the significance of this work, facilitators will establish a schedule which allows for the greatest participation from all selected panelists. Meetings will be held at the Education Development Center (EDC) in Waltham which has facilities for full virtual participation. Panelist will be awarded professional development points, stipends for summer work, and reimbursement for substitutes and travel, pending funding. Applicants appointed to the panel will be notified in late April 2017 and the kick-off meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 31, 2017 at EDC in Waltham. If you have any questions about the DLCS Framework Implementation Panel, please email Anne DeMallie.

Last Updated: March 21, 2017

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