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Special Education

Early Childhood Coordinators Administrative Leadership Institute and Community of Practice for 2019-2020

Dear Early Childhood Special Education Coordinators:

Register Now for the Early Childhood Coordinators Administrative Leadership Institute and Community of Practice for 2019-2020.

AnLar, through a contract with the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)'s Office of Special Education Planning and Policy Development, is offering a yearlong, no cost, Early Childhood Coordinators Administrative Leadership Institute for individuals currently working as Early Childhood Coordinators in a Massachusetts public school. This Institute is designed to equip early childhood special educators with tools to improve student outcomes and foster family and community engagement while remaining compliant with regulations and aligning to best practices in the field. Course topics will include leadership and systems change; instructional leadership; management and operations; professional culture; and family and community engagement, in addition to other topics depending on the interest of participants.

The institute will meet the DESE standards for High Quality Professional Development (HQPD,) and will support the following principles of high-quality IEP development:

  • The use of functional and ongoing assessment to gather information about a child to inform both planning and instruction;
  • Engaging in effective teaming and collaboration with all the members of the IEP team to build upon the expertise of each individual, including families, general educators, special educators, related service providers, school and district administrators, and the child with a disability;
  • Using effective family engagement throughout the IEP development and implementation process; and
  • Ensuring meaningful and effective student engagement as the foundation for life-long self-advocacy and self-determination for individuals with disabilities.

The institute sessions and materials will be provided at no cost to selected participants. Graduate credit from Framingham State University will be available for an additional cost.

The dates of the yearlong Institute's face-to-face sessions are August 13–15, 2019; October 18, 2019; and March 31–April 1, 2020. These sessions will be held at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel and Conference Center (1657 Worcester Rd, Framingham, MA 01701).

Interested individuals should contact Kate Grannemamm, 617-688-1103, by Thursday, August 1, 2019 by 5 pm for a link to the registration form. Acceptances will be decided by the DESE, and participants will be notified of acceptance to the Institute by August 5, 2019 and thereafter on a space-available basis.

Participants will participate in 9 hour-long virtual sessions over the course of the 2019-20 Institute. These sessions are tentatively scheduled for August 21, September 18, October 9, November 20, December 18, January 15, February 19, and March 18, with one additional virtual call to be scheduled based on participant availability. In addition, participants will participate in 3 90-minute-long virtual sessions taking place in April, May, and June, with dates to be identified by Institute faculty based on participant availability. Each participant will also be responsible for designing and implementing a Capstone Project.

We are looking forward to meeting many of you and providing you with the opportunity to engage together, learn from each other and the Institute faculty, and develop new professional connections.

Kate Grannemann
Project Manager/TA Specialist

Last Updated: July 29, 2019

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