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College, Career and Technical Education

2021-2022 Innovation Pathways Designation and Planning Grant Opportunity

Innovation Pathways are structures within our high schools that are designed to connect student learning to a broadly-defined industry sector that is in demand in the regional and state economy. In 2021 DESE is excited to open a fifth round of applications for the Innovation Pathways Designation, along with a separate planning grant opportunity. The planning grant is designed to support applicants who intend to apply for the Innovation Pathways Designation in school year 2021-2022. The lead applicant for Innovation Pathway program designation must be a Massachusetts school district or charter school, and it must apply in collaboration with a local MassHire Board and an Employer partner as a supporting partner. Applicants submitting an application for a planning grant, due June 24, 2021, agree to submit a Part A application to DESE in fall 2021.

Learn more about the Innovation Pathways Designation Criteria and application timeline/process for school year 2021-2022. Please contact Jennifer Gwatkin with any questions.

Last Updated: April 5, 2021

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