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Educator Effectiveness

Recommended District Exchange Policies

In an effort to support the equitable distribution of highly effective teachers across the Commonwealth, the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (ESE) is encouraging experienced, effective educators from high performing districts to take on teaching assignments in Level 3 or 4 schools. Under the Educator Evaluation regulations, an effective educator is one whose summative rating is exemplary. ESE encourages districts to permit such educators to temporarily move to a struggling school in their home district, or a different district, for up to two years without that time constituting a break in service or loss in professional status in their original district, should they seek to return. Research shows that these transfers should be decided on and made as early as possible, to allow teachers sufficient time to prepare for working with a new population of students in a new district. Below are additional research-based policy proposals to help districts implement short- or long-term exchange policies for effective educators. For within-district transfers:
  • Level 4 & 3 schools should be permitted to choose first from teachers who need to transfer schools due to a Reduction in Force, or other reasons.
  • Effective teachers who are willing to transfer to a Level 3 or 4 should be rewarded by the district with monetary (where permitted by the collective bargaining agreement) and/or non-monetary incentives (such as a lighter course-load or access to district funds for Professional Development).
For between-district transfers:
  • The receiving district should make every effort to provide parallel steps in the salary schedule to the effective educator coming in.
  • Effective teachers who are willing to transfer to a Level 3 or 4 should be encouraged to mentor teachers in their transfer district, with the intent of imparting their highly effective skill-set, should they choose to return to their home district.
  • Effective teachers who are willing to transfer to a Level 3 or 4 should be rewarded by the district with monetary (where permitted by the collective bargaining agreement) and/or non-monetary incentives (such as a lighter course-load or access to district funds for Professional Development).
  • Effective teachers who are willing to transfer between districts to a Level 3 or 4 school should be partnered with a peer in the receiving district in order to foster collegiality.

Last Updated: September 12, 2012

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