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Federal Grant Programs

Annual Title I Count of Youth in State Agency Operated Delinquent Facilities – Funding for School Year 2014-2015

To:Administrators of Title I Delinquent Programs within State Agency Institutions
From:Matthew Pakos, Director, School Improvement Grant Programs
Date:November 1, 2013

Each fall the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education conducts an annual count of delinquent youth in state-agency operated facilities that intend to apply for federal Title I funding for the following academic year. For your facility to be eligible for Title I funds for FY2015 (academic year 2014-2015), you must complete and return the enclosed form no later than December 13, 2013. As in past years you will use this form to determine the eligibility of the facility and indicate the adjusted enrollment figure for each site requesting Title I funding. This information will be used to provide funds for school year 2014-2015 Title I program operations in your facility. Please note that each facility is required to provide the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education a roster that reflects the facility's aggregated count of youth under age 21 who are enrolled in a regular program of instruction supported by state funds for at least 15 hours per week. In order to protect the identity of students/inmates, please only include in the roster locally-assigned identifying numbers (LASIDs) and dates of birth corresponding to each LASID. The roster can be provided in a format determined by your facility. Each facility should maintain on file detailed information regarding each of the students/inmates included in the annual count that could be used to verify their eligibility for inclusion in the count. The annual count form must be fully completed, signed, dated and returned to this office along with the aforementioned roster by December 13, 2013 in order to meet the timelines established by the United States Department of Education. You may submit the roster and an electronically signed (scanned) version of the completed form via email to Alternatively, please send the original signed form and roster to the attention of: Dianne Russell
N or D Count
Education Data Services
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
75 Pleasant Street
Malden, MA 02148-5023 If you have any questions regarding the completion of the count form or require technical assistance, please contact Dianne Russell at 781-338-6824 - email:, or Russ Fleming at 781-338-6259 - email:

Last Updated: November 27, 2013

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