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Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

FY2020 Found Codes: 671/661/359

Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education and Integrated Education and Training

Funds Allocated:$160,000 (State)
Funds Requested:$329,601
Purpose: The purpose of this competitive grant is to fund Integrated Education and Training (IET) and/or Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) programs for adult learners in high wage/high demand career pathways. Grants must be developed consistent with Public Law 113-128, Sections 201 through 243.
Number of Proposals Received:5
Number of Proposals Recommended:2
Number of Proposals Not Recommended:3
Result of Funding: This competitive federal grant will provide funding to two (2) applicants to initiate two (2) integrated education and training programs for adult learners located in the Bristol and Metro Southwest workforce areas.

Bristol Community College$80,000
Middlesex Community College80,000
Total State Funds$160,000

Last Updated: September 26, 2019

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