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Educator Effectiveness

Program Year 2014-2015 Test Results by Category

| Description of Report | By Gender | By Ethnicity | By Primary Language |

Annual Summary of Test Taker Counts by Gender*
Program Year 2014-2015

MaleFemaleNo response
N% PassN% PassN% PassN% Pass
01 Communication & Literacy Skills8,92584.22,07386.16,71283.314094.3
Comm & Lit: Reading9,76987.62,20591.17,41786.414794.6
Comm & Lit: Writing9,75487.32,27687.37,32787.215192.7
02 Early Childhood1,18456.230601,14956580
03 General Curriculum — Multi-Subject3,27475.835883.52,87974.63789.2
03 General Curriculum — Mathematics3,40363.135066.63,01362.54077.5
06 History85676.346582.237868.313100
07 English99784.229789.668281.81883.3
08 Reading Specialist41875.41573.339775.16100
09 Mathematics54075.723777.229374.11090
10 General Science26985.110583.816185.73100
11 Physics11780.37481.14077.53100
12 Chemistry13666.25667.97663.24100
13 Biology332781068422075.5666.7
14 Earth Science5156.91877.83243.81--
15 Latin and Classical Humanities3686.120851687.5----
16 Music28291.113887.713894.26100
17 Visual Art27395.24910021994.15100
19 Business6968.1327535602100
21 Health/Family and Consumer Sciences23983.310772.912991.53100
22 Physical Education45954.729251.416060771.4
26 French10266.73467.66465.6475
27 German785.7366.74100----
28 Spanish28382.75791.222280.6475
29 Chinese (Mandarin)5898.3610051981--
30 Italian2975.9757.12281.8----
31 Russian3100----3100----
32 Portuguese1353.8366.71050----
33 Technology/Engineering6672.74573.320701--
44 Speech250----1--1--
45 Theater7857.718505959.31--
46 Dance2065----2065----
47 Middle School Mathematics45966.916367.528765.9988.9
48 Political Science/Political Philosophy2759.31163.61656.3----
50 Middle School Humanities12938.84240.58436.9366.7
51 Middle School Mathematics/Science9048.93366.75438.9333.3
53 Elementary Mathematics58046.78760.948544.1850
54 English as a Second Language1,37450.521940.61,13552.22060
55 Adult Basic Education810021006100----
56 Sheltered English Immersion1,40461.724947.81,11564.84062.5
90 Foundations of Reading4,26666.851363.23,71167.34269
91 Vocational Technical Literacy Skills Test (VTLST)15481.28683.76479.7450
VTLST: Reading16695.89497.96892.64100
VTLST: Writing18772.710974.37471.6450

*Each test field row contains the number of candidates who took the test during the program year.

Last Updated: November 30, 2015

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