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English Learner Education

Title III and Consortia Applicants

To:Superintendents, Charter School Leaders, and Collaborative Leaders
From:Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D.
Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education
Date:May 21, 2012

Districts may apply for Title III funds as part of a consortium of LEAs for the purpose of receiving a Title III sub-grant in school year 2012-2013 if the number of LEP students in the LEAs that comprise the consortium total more than 100. Districts that wish to apply for Title III funds as part of a consortium must follow the requirements in the memorandum found at: Note that districts must submit specific and detailed letters of intent signed by all superintendents of consortium member districts to Michelle Griffin, Title III Coordinator in the Office of English Language Acquisition, by June 11, 2012.

Last Updated: May 24, 2012

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