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For Immediate Release
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Contact:Heidi Guarino 781-338-3106 or JC Considine 781-338-3112

Statement from Education Commissioner Mitchell D. Chester on the release of the Common Core Standards in English language arts and mathematics:

MALDEN - "Our curriculum experts have worked closely with the developers of the Common Core Standards to ensure that the final documents are strong, challenging and bold. But while we have played a leadership role in their development, we have made no commitment to ultimately adopt these standards. Instead we have made clear that Massachusetts will do so only after conducting a comprehensive review of the final drafts to ensure they are as strong as—or stronger than—our current state standards. We remain proud of the strong standards we have developed in Massachusetts. It is because of these standards and the culture of high expectations we have set for our students that Massachusetts has earned and retained its place as a national leader in student performance. That said, in today's economy, it makes little sense for 50 states to have 50 separate set of standards, and for students to be tested using 50 separate assessments. In addition, while we have strong standards now, we would be naïve to assume they cannot be improved, and that we have nothing left to learn from others. Our goal is to provide all students in the Commonwealth with the best possible schools, teachers, curriculum and opportunities they need to be successful in school, college, careers and in life. We are committed to seeing the Common Core Standards process through to the end, but if we ultimately find that the final product represents a decline in expectations from our state standards, we will walk away."

Last Updated: June 2, 2010

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