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Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL)

Free Study Software Available for MTEL Math Candidates

Did you know that MTEL math candidates preparing for the General Curriculum (03), Elementary Mathematics (53), or Middle School Mathematics (47) tests may be eligible for a free three-month subscription to the ALEKS software? This offer is open on a first-come, first-served basis until subscriptions run out. After an initial adaptive diagnostic assessment, ALEKS will provide each participant with a summary report that can guide the participant's use of the learning mode tutorial. The program provides detailed explanations and opportunities for practice, and tracks the mastery of concepts and skills. Please note that although the ALEKS system addresses some of the same content as the MTEL mathematics tests, it is not specifically designed for or aligned with the MTEL mathematics test objectives or test items. To take advantage of this opportunity visit:

Last Updated: September 18, 2013

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