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Rethinking Equity and Teaching for English Language Learners (RETELL)

Extending the Learning

  • EEC108: Understanding academic language to improve content area instruction for ELLs (differentiated by content area)
  • EEC109: Academic Conversations in Classrooms with English Language Learners
  • EEC110: Academic English for English Learners in Math and Science
  • EEC111: Engaging Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students & Families in Secondary Schools
  • EEC112: Promoting Language Development and Content Area Learning for Specific ELL Subgroups
  • EEC113: Using Technology to Support ELLs in SEI and ESL/ELD Classrooms
  • EEC115: Collaborating through Coaching: Six Standards of Effective Pedagogy in SEI Literacy and Mathematics Instruction
  • EEC116: Differentiation & Academic Language
  • EEC117: Analyzing ELL Data for Content and Language Development (for all Educators)
  • EEC118: Evaluation and Leadership for ELL Equity (for Leaders/Administrators)
  • EEC119: Strong Home-School Connection for ELLs (for all Educators)
  • EEC120: ELL Teacher Leadership and Collaboration Strategies (for ELL and Content Teacher Teams)
  • EEC121: Engaging Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students and Families in Elementary Schools
  • EEC122: Introduction to English Language Development Standards in Massachusetts
  • EEC123: Early English Language Development (E-ELD) for PK-K Teachers

EEC 115: Collaborating through Coaching: Six Standards of Effective Pedagogy in SEI Literacy and Mathematics Instruction

This course is offered in tandem with the Massachusetts state-adopted Integrating SEI Into Literacy Coaching and Integrating SEI Into Mathematics Coaching courses. Teachers and instructional coaches collaborate in this course, focusing on sheltered instruction that maximizes opportunities for engagement, differentiation, and achievement for culturally, linguistically, economically, and learning diverse students. This course expands and deepens knowledge and practice with ELLs, and provides a process for professional learning grounded right in the teacher's own classroom. In addition, this course supports the coaching knowledge and skill of the coach and the teacher who participate in the instructional coaching relationship. Teachers strengthen existing practices, develop new practices, and engage in coaching cycles. They receive timely feedback, and most importantly, set ongoing targets customized to their own classroom, their students' needs and their goals. This course grounded in critical sociocultural practice, and designed for Literacy and Mathematics teachers serving ELLs in their content classrooms, focuses on "Fostering Collaboration", a Massachusetts SEI Extension course priority. Specifically it addresses the following SEI Extension Course parameters:

  • Research based best practices for ELL instruction in SEI classrooms
  • Concrete examples of collaborative models that have been successful in promoting ELL academic achievement
  • Collaborating with school and district support staff to promote ELL achievement
  • Opportunities to practice skills of the course and to receive feedback after implementation

For more information about in-district SEI coaching courses or coaching for teachers, please contact MATSOL.

Contact information:

Ann Feldman
Director of Professional Learning
Massachusetts Association of Teachers of
Speakers of Other Languages (MATSOL)
2 Canton Street
Stoughton, MA 02072
Tel: (617) 820-5099

Last Updated: September 13, 2024

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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