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digital gear DLCS Professional Learning

Educators play a critical role in the success of students. As such, all educators are called on to continually improve their practice. Professional learning is the single most accessible method by which educators can grow and learn as professionals. Below are resources to support professional learning for digital literacy and computer science in Massachusetts schools and districts.

DLCS Leader Network

The Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Leaders Network is a professional network and community of learners that includes PreK–12 DLCS district and school leaders in MA. Members of the network engage in collaborative discussions relevant to their role as DLCS educators and leaders within their districts. Participants will share resources and strategies around broadening participation in DLCS education and selecting and implementing high-quality DLCS curricula. To join or if you have questions, please contact Paula Moore .

Massachusetts Professional Learning Resources:

Technology Self-Assessment Tool (TSAT) for Educators
The TSAT helps educators gauge their knowledge of the 2016 Digital Literacy and Computer Science Framework (DLCS). It can also help schools and districts identify professional learning opportunities for teachers in integrating key concepts from the framework into their practice.

CSforMA and MassCUE
CSforMA and MassCUE are two organizations in Massachusetts dedicated to Digital Literacy, Computer Science, and the integration of technology in education. They provide various professional development opportunities throughout the school year.

National Professional Learning Resources:

Last Updated: May 18, 2023

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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