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Center for Instructional Support

Science gear STE Professional Learning

Educators play a critical role in the success of students. As such, all educators are called on to continually improve their practice. Professional learning is the single most accessible method by which educators can grow and learn as professionals. Below are resources to support professional learning for science in Massachusetts schools and districts.

  • The Science Curriculum Adaptation Project for Special Educators (SCAPE) is an opportunity for district science and special education leads to collaborate and plan supports for students with moderate to severe disabilities in their districts. Teams will participate in "train the trainer" professional learning that can be used to support science and special education teachers in collaborating to provide high-quality science learning experiences for all students. If you are interested in learning more, please complete this interest form.
  • Open Access Professional Learning (OAPL) for Science — educators can register for FREE courses to support their science instruction from a variety of professional learning providers.
  • DESE Professional Learning Guidance — a resource to both educators and other professional learning leaders aiming to support high quality professional learning.
  • Registry of DESE-approved Professional Development (PD) providers — a list of professional learning providers that submitted a PD Provider Registry Application to DESE and met the minimum requirements established for the registry.
  • Leader Networks — opportunity for Science and Technology/Engineering Leaders in your district to connect with other Leaders across the Commonwealth.

Last Updated: June 12, 2024

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
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