Does your district need support with the implementation of high-quality instructional materials? The Professional Learning Partner Guide (PLPG) is an online, vetted list of organizations that provide effective professional learning (PL) services aligned to high-quality instructional materials in ELA, Math, and Science.
After selecting a curriculum, districts can use the PLPG to select PL partners who have curriculum-specific expertise to support MA educators as they launch and implement high-quality instructional materials. The PLPG currently features over thirty professional learning partners who provide curriculum-aligned PL services to MA schools and districts, servicing nearly 70% of CURATE-rated and reviewed materials. The PLPG can be found at Professional Learning Partner Guide.
For current grants and opportunities around Professional Learning, see Current Grants and Opportunities section above.
High-quality instructional materials have an increased positive impact on student learning when paired with curriculum-specific, ongoing professional learning. The Professional Learning Partner Guide, published by Rivet Education, is a valuable resource that supports the informed implementation of high-quality, curriculum-aligned PL.
For additional information about DESE's partnership with Rivet Education and the PLPG, please reach out to .
Last Updated: January 12, 2022
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Voice: (781) 338-3000 TTY: (800) 439-2370
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