As announced in the ACLS memo sent on March 27, due to program closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, ACLS asked all adult education providers (including those in Correctional Institutions) to put the administration of NRS pre- and post-assessments on hold until further notice.
However, ACLS understands that various factors influence Correctional Institutions' individual decisions to continue face-to-face instruction, temporarily suspend instruction, resume face-to-face instruction, and use NRS assessment results as evidence that a student has exceeded program compliance expectations beyond attendance.
To reflect these complex realities and to comply with test administration procedures as outlined in the ACLS Assessment Manual, adult education programs in Correctional Institutions (CI):
Further, without equitable access to learning (e.g., at least one CI is currently delivering face-to-face instruction while others have completely suspended adult education services), student performance, as measured by assessments, will inevitably be impacted. Therefore, ACLS will not hold programs accountable for the inability to assess during this crisis and will not include assessment results administered during the COVID-19 shutdown in performance reports.
Additionally, while some NRS test publishers (e.g., Center for Applied Linguistics, Data Recognition Corporation) have issued guidance for remote test administration, programs must abide by ACLS assessment policies and test publishers' guidance should not trump state assessment policies.
For questions related to NRS test administration policies and procedures, please contact Dana Varzan-Parker Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Specialist.
ACLS and UMass CEA are seeking feedback from teachers about the knowledge and skills taught in ABE classrooms. Please click on the link below to take a confidential survey about the knowledge and skills you teach in the classroom. Teachers who complete the survey will be entered for a chance to win one of four $50 Amazon gift cards.
Please choose one of the survey links below. The survey should take between 10 and 20 minutes. Thank you for completing the survey!
Survey for ABE Reading teachers
Survey for ABE Math teachers
Last Updated: April 23, 2020
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
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