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Educator Effectiveness

II-B: Learning Environment

  1. Positive Relationships: Builds positive, caring relationships to ensure all students feel valued, respected, equitably supported, and a sense of belonging in the classroom community.

  2. Safe Learning Environment: Creates and maintains a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment by:

    • Co-creating meaningful rituals and routines with students.

    • Supporting student accountability for the impact of their actions.

    • Enabling students to take academic risks and share ideas freely.

    • Modeling and reinforcing respect for and affirmation of their own and others' differences related to background, identity, language, strengths, and challenges (self- and social awareness).

    • Seeking feedback from students on their experience of the classroom learning environment and making aligned adjustments to practice.

  3. Collaborative Learning Environment: Develops students' relationship and communication skills by:

    • Providing students with frequent opportunities to interact with peers, make sense of complex ideas together, and develop language.

    • Supporting students to engage with differences and diverse perspectives, respectfully challenge each other's thinking, and address interpersonal conflicts as they arise.

  4. Student Ownership of Learning: Guides students to self-assess, problem-solve, ask for support, access resources when needed, and demonstrate leadership and/or positively contribute to the classroom and school community.

Last Updated: February 6, 2024

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