Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Professional Development

PD Provider: BBS Energy Works, LLC

Contact Information
BBS Energy Works, LLC
74 Hillview Lane
Whitinsville, MA 01588

Christina G. Hayes
Owner, BBS Energy Works, LLC

Provider Details
Non-profit Organization
Training Session/Workshop
Teachers, Teacher leaders, District Admin: supts/asst supts, special ed directors etc., School Admin: principals, asst principals, curriculum directors etc., Paraprofessionals, Advocates/community partners or leaders, Other
Face-to-Face, Online
11 to 50 events
6-10 years
Brief Description of Services
Getting to the root of learning and behavioral differences. Building up brain stem development so that higher level thinking, communication, and maturity can come about. This is not a program with compensatory tools. This is a program with tools to organize the brain and body so those top level struggles like focus, executive functioning delays, emotional regulation, anxieties, and social skills will become easier naturally. BBS Energy Works, LLC is a certified PD Provider with the DESE offering the following courses- Early Reflex Development: Understand how Primitive Reflexes affect learning and behavior, and what you can do in school to build up an immature brain naturally. You’ll be amazed at the change in kid confidence! Brain Gym® 101: Go beyond the 26 Movements in Brain Gym. Learn the connection between goal setting, noticing and our bodies. Great tips on when and how to maximize Brain Gym tools to move stuck development along. Experience both courses through hands on, fun activities. Folks are calling it a retreat.

Content Area(s)
Content CategoryDetailsGrade LevelsEducator Evaluation Standards
Other Child Development, Social, Emotional Intelligence, and Special Education  T-I: Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment
T-II: Teaching All Students
A-I: Instructional Leadership

An IndividualCourtney Stanton, Mabelle M. Burrell Elementary School
An IndividualMarybeth Kiernan, MSOTR/L, Occupational Therapist, Minot Forest School

Regions Served

Last Updated: March 1, 2015

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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