Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Professional Development

PD Provider: Thea Durling

Contact Information
Thea Durling
10 Longwood Ave
Fitchburg, MA 01420

Thea Durling

Provider Details
Teachers, Teacher leaders, Coaches
10 events or fewer
0-5 years
Brief Description of Services
Removing Ourselves From the Front of the Classroom This online course is designed to guide participants in exploring and implementing the Guidelines for Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and the UDL Progression Rubric. The exploration is focused through a single topic or series of lessons re-designed to empower students by shifting the instructional focus from teacher lecture to student-driven content work. Participants will design the entire scope of instructional moves for their topic, starting with identifying language needs, key instructional points, data collection procedures, and resources for student learning. From there, participants will plan student groupings, lesson timing, formative assessment(s), and reteaching/retakes. Participants will also consider ways to front-load student experiences that lead students to take on the challenge of managing the bulk of their content work, such as activities with growth mindset, time management/Stations/Centers, etc., in lieu of designing around teacher-led instruction. The course will conclude with participant self-reflection with the goal of duplicating the cycle with new content while continuing to incorporate new learning from each successive cycle. Add Tag to Answer

Content Area(s)
Content CategoryDetailsGrade LevelsEducator Evaluation Standards
Curriculum and Instruction – General  T-I: Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment
T-II: Teaching All Students

An IndividualMichelle Fulkerson, M.Ed Math Coach and Interventionist Putnam Avenue Upper School mfulkerson@cpsd.u
An IndividualJulie Ann Spang Digital Learning Coach Lexington Public School District 433 Groton Street Dunstable,

Regions Served
No Regions Specified by Provider

Last Updated: March 1, 2015

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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