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Office of College, Career and Technical Education


One of the fastest-growing career fields in the U.S, Biotechnology involves the science and business of developing new medical tests and treatments.

Biotechnology students learn to perform laboratory tests and procedures while deepening their understanding of this scientific and business field. As they learn concepts from the fields of chemistry, genetics, microbiology and molecular biology, students examine the smallest components of human, plant and animal life. Career exploration helps students understand the preparation and training required for careers in research, product development, pharmaceuticals, medicine, public health, business and manufacturing.

Some schools offer State-Approved (Chapter-74) programs in Biotechnology. These programs provide all of the training required to begin entry-level work in the field. Other schools may offer a more condensed version of this training, which has been designed at the local level. This is known as Non-Chapter 74 or "Perkins-Only." Learn more about the difference between State-Approved and Local CTE programs.


More Information: Program Overview (PDF)

Videos (In English)

Last Updated: September 14, 2022

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