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Massachusetts Charter Schools

Access and Equity

Criteria 2: Access and Equity - Charter School Performance Criteria

The Charter School Performance Criteria (Criteria) are presented in the three guiding areas of charter school accountability defined in the current regulations, 603 CMR 1.00: faithfulness to charter, academic program success, and organizational viability.

There are ten (10) Criteria that define expected performance in the three guiding areas of charter school accountability: faithfulness to charter, academic program success, and organizational viability. The Department evaluates these criteria through the use of quantitative and/or qualitative data as well as affirmative evidence presented by the school, compiled over the course of the school's charter term. For more detailed information on the Criteria, select the Accountability tab to the left.

Criteria 2: Access and Equity is under the guiding area of faithfulness to charter in the Criteria. Criteria 2 defines the expectations for schools to ensure program access and equity for all students eligible to attend the school. The following links are a collection of laws and resources for schools to reference related to Criteria 2.

English Learner (EL) Information and Resources

ELL Program Self-Assessment Templates

The Massachusetts Charter School Site Visit Protocol specifies that all charter schools will provide the Office of Charter Schools and School Redesign with copies of any English Learner (EL) program self-evaluations in preparation for full site visits.

EL program self-evaluation

In order to fulfill this request, schools can opt to submit the English Language Education program self-evaluation that is described in Appendix N of the Guidance on Identification, Assessment, Placement, and Reclassification of English Learners.

Otherwise, a self-evaluation for either program should be a synthesis and analysis of different data points. Schools should not submit information that simply describes the EL program. The program self-evaluation should include the following elements:

  1. Data analysis presenting one or more of the following:
    1. comparisons of student achievement for English learners across time, showing changes, preferably on multiple assessments;
    2. comparisons of performance of English learners with general education students on the same assessment(s), (including, but not limited to, performance on state assessments);
  2. Analysis, interpretation and discussion of results to reach conclusion(s) regarding program effectiveness and,
  3. Recommendations for any needed changes in the program based on the conclusions reached.

    Please see the exemplars above for examples

The following resources are highlights from the Office of Language Acquisition and Academic Achievement page on the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) website. To view all DESE EL resources, visit English Learners page or contact the Office Language Acquisition and Academic Achievement directly at (781) 338-3584 or

Frameworks and Guidance:

Systems for Student Success (SfSS)

The Systems for Student Success (SfSS) is a blueprint for school improvement that focuses on system structures and supports across the district, school, and classroom to meet the academic and non-academic needs of all students. It was developed to help guide the establishment of a system that provides high-quality core educational experiences in a safe and supportive learning environment for all students and targeted interventions/supports for students who experience academic and/or behavioral difficulties and students who have already demonstrated mastery of the concept and skills being taught.

Guidance and Laws

This site contains guidance on programming for ELs and federal and state laws.

Title III

This site contains guidance on programming for ELs, information on NCLB and ESSA laws, Annual Measureable Achievement Objectives (AMAO), Massachusetts and Federal information, and other resources.

Resources for English as a Second Language Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment:

Curriculum and Instruction

This site contains a model ESL curriculum unit and framework for English language proficiency development standards corresponding to the MA Learning Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards (CCSSO). ESL Model Curriculum Units (ESL MCUs) and ESL curriculum resource guide are now posted. ESL MCU facilitator training and other supports will be posted in the near future.


This site contains the WIDA standards, participation requirements for ACCESS testing, and materials and resources for test administration.

SEI Smart Card

This tool helps school leadership facilitate SEI walkthroughs. The data collected can be used to focus on professional development, allocate resources, such as materials and coaches, evaluate current SEI practices, and plan for ELE improvement.

General ESL Resources:


This site contains a variety of forms, letters, model resources, program evaluation, guidance documents, surveys, and translated parent notification forms and waiver requirements and procedures.

Last Updated: June 14, 2023

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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