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Educator Effectiveness

Professional Development Resources & Tools for Providers


Chapter 766 Schools/Approved Private Special Education Schools The PD Provider Application Chapter 766 for Approved Private Special Education Schools is available. Such schools may register on a rolling basis.
Institutions of Higher Education: Colleges & Universities Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) that grant university/college credits or CEUs (and not Professional Development Points) are not required to register with the Department. However, if a university program wishes to provide professional development points, the organization or university program must register with the Department.
The MA IHE PD Provider Registration Form is available. IHEs may register on a rolling basis. View a list of content areas .
All other providers The PD Provider Registry Application will be available on February 10 through March 10. The Department will post the link to access the online application on opening day. Please be sure to come back to this section to start your online application. In the meantime, you may find it helpful to view the PD Provider Registry application template Download Word Document in preparation for the next application session. Note: The application template is not to be submitted. The application must be completed online only. If you have any questions, please send an email to .

Guidelines for Professional Development Providers

Last Updated: June 5, 2020

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