Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Logo
Center for Instructional Support
CUrriculum RAtings by TEachers (CURATE)

Archived Reports

Yearly review of the CURATE project occurs to ensure coherence and alignment with DESE guidance and resources, such as the DESE Educational Vision, Mass Literacy, English Learner Blueprint, Standards of Effective Practice, and Supporting Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Practices, among others, and to strengthen CURATE reports based on user feedback.

Beginning in August 2024, DESE instituted a process of archiving CURATE reports, to more effectively communicate quality of the most current available instructional materials that have been CURATE-reviewed by cycling outdated reports from the main CURATE reports page. An archived CURATE report communicates primarily that the report is outdated, though a previously reviewed edition of a product that received a rating that identified it as a being "high quality" is not meant to live into perpetuity. Rather, an archived report signals to a district considering a new adoption that they should investigate products with a more current review, particularly in instances when a publisher is announcing an upcoming new edition (or discontinuation of an older edition of their products which they will no longer provide implementation support for).

Publishers report they typically release new or enhanced editions of their products every three years. As recommended best practice to support continuous improvement, local education agencies (LEAs) should establish a curriculum review cycle and routinely evaluate their current materials to assess and determine the extent to which they are still well serving all their students to promote deeper learning.

Archiving Process

CURATE reports will be archived based upon the following:

  1. Rubric Version: The curricular product was reviewed with an older or pre-August 2021 CURATE rubric that is now substantively outdated and doesn't enable DESE to communicate effectively curricular quality of products reviewed with outdated rubrics.
    1. The ELA/Literacy K–5 rubric underwent the most substantial change in August 2021 with the addition of Foundational Skills (Criterion 2) in Standards Alignment, to address all components of foundational skills for instruction. ELA/Literacy K–5 CURATE reports published before August 2021 provided information about foundation skills reviewed broadly at the indicator level of the rubric. In school year 2024-25, archiving of K–5 ELA/Literacy products reviewed with the pre-August 2021 rubric is prioritized, with publishers given the opportunity to opt-in for a re-review using our current CURATE rubric. K–5 ELA/Literacy products for which the publisher has submitted for a CURATE re-review are noted with an asterisk (*). They are products for which the publisher does not already have CURATE report for a new edition published.
    2. Curricular products in other content areas or grade bands reviewed with CURATE rubrics that predated August 2021 be archived according to DESE schedules and priorities.
  2. Newer Reports: The newest edition of a curricular product was reviewed and has a published CURATE report.
  3. Report Publication Year: It has been five years since the CURATE report for the product was published, though the product itself may be older than five years.

Archived Reports

CURATE rubric version denotes the school year version of the rubric used. Thus, an SY2018 CURATE rubric version indicates that the CURATE rubric used by panelists was the version from the September 2018 to June 2019 school year. CURATE rubrics that will be used by panelists during the new school year launching in September are finalized and published in August.

ProductEditionPublisherGrade BandCURATE rubric version
ARC Core*2017American Reading CompanyK–2SY2018
ARC Core*2017American Reading Company3–5SY2020
Benchmark Advance2021Benchmark Education CompanyK–5SY2020
Collaborative Literacy2016Center for the Collaborative ClassroomK–2SY2019
Collaborative Literacy2016Center for the Collaborative Classroom3–5SY2019
Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA)*2015AmplifyK–2SY2018
Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA)*2015Amplify3–5SY2018
EL Education 2017Open Up ResourcesK–2SY2018
EL Education2017Open Up Resources3–5SY2018
HMH Into Reading*2020Houghton Mifflin Harcourt K–5SY2020
Match Fishtank2018Fishtank Learning3–5SY2019
myView Literacy2020SavvasK–2SY2019
myView Literacy2020Savvas3–5SY2019
StudySync2017McGraw Hill6-8SY2019
Wit & Wisdom*2016Great MindsK–2SY2018
Wit & Wisdom*2016Great Minds3–5SY2018
Wonders2017McGraw HillK–2SY2018
Wonders2017McGraw Hill3–5SY2018
Wonders 2020McGraw HillK–2SY2019
Wonders 2020McGraw Hill3–5SY2019
ProductEditionPublisherGrade BandCURATE rubric version
Eureka Math2015Great MindsK–5SY2019
Eureka Math2015Great Minds6–8SY2018
Mathematics Vision Project Integrated2016Open Up Resources9–12SY2019
Mathematics Vision Project Traditional2016Open Up Resources 9–12SY2019
Ready Math2017Curriculum Associates6–8SY2018

Last Updated: August 28, 2024

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135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

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