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Education Laws and Regulations

603 CMR 44.00:

Educator License Renewal


Most Recently amended by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education: June 26, 2018

44.09: Documentation and Recordkeeping

(1) Each educator shall maintain the following materials to verify completion of license renewal requirements:

  1. (a) an Individual Professional Development Plan, which has been approved by the educator's supervisor if required by 603 CMR 44.05(3), to be achieved over the five year period, that includes the educator's goals for strengthening content area knowledge and professional skills and for remaining current in other professional issues, and resulting in improvements in teaching; or

  2. (b) educator plans in effect during the five year period; and

  3. (c) reasonable documentation which validates the completion of an activity and the number of points accrued; and

  4. (d) a record of completed license renewal activities, which at a minimum shall include the topic and type of professional activities completed, the dates of such activities, and the number of points completed; and

  5. (e) evidence of any license issued by another licensing agency which the educator must maintain in order to hold the educator license.

(2) The educator shall maintain the materials identified in 603 CMR 44.09 (1) for five years from the date of the renewal of the license. For those educators who are applying professional development points earned by completing a Department- approved SEI endorsement course of study in more than one renewal cycle, as outlined in Department guidelines, all renewal documentation must be maintained for ten years from the date of the renewal of the license.

(3) All documentation is subject to audit by the Department and review by an educator's supervisor, and must be provided to the Department upon request.

Regulatory Authority:
603 CMR 44.00: M.G.L. c. 71, §38G

For an official copy of these regulations, please contact the State House Bookstore, at 617-727-2834 or visit Massachusetts State Bookstore .

Last Updated: July 23, 2018

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