In August, the Office of Educator Licensure indicated that the ability to apply for an extension of a "new" Emergency license would be operational in ELAR no later than September 29th. We are happy to announce that the ability to apply for the extension will be available in ELAR on the evening of Thursday, September 22nd.
Please see below for some of the differences between an "old" and "new" Emergency license and the process to apply for an extension for each.
An "old" Emergency license is one issued on/prior to December 12, 2021
Individuals with an "old" special education or ESL license are eligible to receive a no-cost extension to June 30, 2023, by demonstrating the subject matter knowledge requirements for their respective field. The requirements to obtain one of the no-cost Emergency Extension licenses can be found at: Emergency Extension Requirements .
A "new" Emergency license is one issued on/after May 26, 2022
The Office of Educator Licensure has been granted the ability to reissue the Emergency license as of May 26, 2022 ("new" Emergency License) and this "new" Emergency license can be extended up to two additional years. New Emergency licenses and extensions to these licenses may be applied for through ELAR). "New" Emergency Extension license applications are currently available in ELAR and cost $25.
As a result of modifications to ELAR in support of the "new" Emergency Extension license applications, ELAR is no longer able to accommodate submission of an online application for the "old" Emergency Extension license. Thus, an individual who did not apply in ELAR to extend their "old" Emergency ESL or Special Education license between January and September 22, will need to submit a paper application.
Paper Application for "old" Emergency Extension License
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Voice: (781) 338-3000 TTY: (800) 439-2370
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