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Administration and Finance

Fiscal Year 2022 School Calendar

To:Private School Directors, Chapter 766 Approved Schools
From:Elena DeMelin, Director of School Business Services, School Finance and District Support
Date:June 4, 2021

It's that time of year again and the Fiscal Year 2022 Private School Calendar needs to be completed for each approved private special education program that you operate, including programs open for 365 days and summer programs. The form, an Excel spreadsheet titled Fiscal Year 2022 Private School Calendar, should be downloaded from our website at School Finance: Circuit Breaker page. Please complete the file and return it via email to Aquarius Wise no later than June 30, 2021. Instructions for the completion of the form are within the calendar file. If you use Excel 2010 or later and have trouble completing the form, please contact Aquarius Wise for guidance.

For those Fiscal Year 2022 summer programs that have operating dates in June 2021, please note there are separate instructions on the file. Please be advised that approved Fiscal Year 2022 tuitions are for services delivered in Fiscal Year 2022 (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) only. If you are operating a Fiscal Year 2022 summer program that includes dates in June 2021, you can only charge school districts the Fiscal Year 2021 approved daily rate.

Questions concerning the above can be directed to Aquarius Wise or (781) 338-6526.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Last Updated: June 4, 2021

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