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Circuit Breaker Transportation FAQ

Q. In the past we were allowed to claim services on the bus if the student required the services from the time they left their home until they returned to their home. How has the Student Opportunity Act (SOA) changed that?

A. We have always felt that any services during transportation are transportation related services and considering that the Circuit Breaker statute (MGL Chapter 71B Section 5A) prohibited transportation as an eligible cost, we considered these services ineligible. Because of the feedback from districts, we allowed districts to claim services on the bus if the student required the services from the time they left their home until they returned to their home. The SOA allows transportation for pupils attending out-of-district programs as an eligible expense phased in beginning in this claim cycle. Consequently, we have returned to our original premise that any services during transportation are considered transportation services. 25% of Out-of-District (OOD) transportation costs are eligible to be claimed in this claiming cycle.

A. Transportation Eligibility

  1. A1. What type of transportation is claimable?

    Any Transportation provided to Students who are placed in Out of District programs and are on an IEP. In District placements are not eligible for transportation reimbursement.

  2. A2. Are additional services provided on the bus claimable?

    Yes, additional services are claimable. Again, only for Out of District placements (OOD).

  3. A3. What would be considered an additional service?

    Services such as an Aide or Nurse on the Bus would be considered an additional service.

  4. A4. Does Transportation need to be checked off on the IEP?

    Transportation should be checked off on the IEP to claim reimbursement.

  5. A5. The student's parents are providing transportation to the OOD program and the District is reimbursing them. Is this an eligible trans cost?

    Yes, we would consider the parents like a vendor.

  6. A6. What kind of backup do I need to substantiate my claim during an audit?

    You would need transportation invoices by student (initials or last four #s of SASID) and/or a Department approved Cost Allocation Plan

  7. A7. What is a Cost Allocation Plan (CAP)?

    To calculate transportation costs for Districts who provide their own transportation (not through a vendor), a CAP is a plan that needs to be approved by the Department. Please contact for further guidance.

  8. A8. Does the Foundation amount need to be met before adding transportation?

    No, the total tuition plus the eligible transportation amount (25% in FY20) needs to reach Foundation to be eligible for reimbursement.

  9. A9. I have a student who resides in Malden but is attending a Public Day Program in Malden (the same city/town the student resides). Can I claim that student's transportation costs?

    You can claim transportation only if the student is attending a Public Separate Day Program. However, if the student is being educated in a school where any regular education day students are also being educated, then transportation cannot be claimed. The same scenario also applies to Private Separate Day programs.

B. Transportation Claiming

Last Updated: July 9, 2020

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