The Chapter 74 Partnership Program ("After Dark") approval process recognizes innovative Career Vocational Technical Education pathways, often with an altered delivery schedule through the partnership of a student's enrolled district and a district with established Chapter 74 programs.
After Dark Designations follow the same timeline and resources as New CTE Program Designations, information found here: Massachusetts Chapter 74 New Program Application.
Chapter 74 Partnership designation allows school districts offering Chapter 74 vocational technical education programs to partner with other school districts or with other schools within a single school district to provide Chapter 74 technical education opportunities that would not otherwise exist. Often these involve taking advantage of times when technical facilities are underutilized.
Designation allows sending school districts, or sending schools within a single district, to report students as Chapter 74-enrolled and to receive any increases to Chapter 70 state aid that may result from such reporting.
Partnership between traditional high schools and schools with established C74 programs and facilities
*Priority given to oversubscribed schools and programs, especially those in Gateway Cities
Through the funding opportunities below, school districts have applied for and been awarded funding to plan and implement Chapter 74 "After Dark" Partnership programs. For more information on funding, see the links below or contact Larry DeSalvatore .
Please note that Career and Technical Education Planning Grants and Implementation Grants also fund other efforts to expand access to career and technical education programs.
Last Updated: December 2, 2024
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Voice: (781) 338-3000 TTY: (800) 439-2370
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