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Massachusetts Charter Schools

Access and Equity

Criteria 2: Access and Equity - Charter School Performance Criteria

The Charter School Performance Criteria (Criteria) are presented in the three guiding areas of charter school accountability defined in the current regulations, 603 CMR 1.00: faithfulness to charter, academic program success, and organizational viability.

There are ten (10) Criteria that define expected performance in the three guiding areas of charter school accountability: faithfulness to charter, academic program success, and organizational viability. The Department evaluates these criteria through the use of quantitative and/or qualitative data as well as affirmative evidence presented by the school, compiled over the course of the school's charter term. For more detailed information on the Criteria, select the Accountability tab to the left.

Criteria 2: Access and Equity is under the guiding area of faithfulness to charter in the Criteria. Criteria 2 defines the expectations for schools to ensure program access and equity for all students eligible to attend the school. The following links are a collection of laws and resources for schools to reference related to Criteria 2.

Massachusetts Primer on Special Education and Charter Schools

The Primers were created to provide charter school information to a variety of stakeholders regarding federal and state special education laws and regulations. Each Primer is intended for a specific stakeholder group and contains information related pertinent to specific stakeholder groups.

Part I provides an explanation of a charter school's legal status within the Massachusetts public education system and a synopsis of federal laws that are most relevant to special education in charter schools. The information is intended for those who may not fully understand the legal status of charter schools within the Massachusetts public education system or need a brief update on federal and state special education laws and regulations.

Part II provides an overview of topics related to Massachusetts students with disabilities enrolled in Massachusetts charter schools. The information focuses on the primary issues related to policies and procedures that govern special education in all stages of implementation for Massachusetts charter schools and is intended to answer questions frequently raised by employees of state agencies and others.

Part III addresses the issues concerning the education of students with disabilities at all stages in the development and operation of a Massachusetts charter school. The Primer is intended to inform those who are responsible for the design, development, and operation of a charter school. The information is focused on specific aspects of implementing a special education program during the pre-authorization, start-up, and operating phases of the school.

Last Updated: June 14, 2023

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