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Office of College, Career and Technical Education

CTE-ART: Career Technical Education Analysis and Review Tools

To continue to improve equitable access to career technical education in Massachusetts and consistent with Perkins V (The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act), the Department is working with CTE schools and programs to engage in a process of data inquiry using these interactive tools. Career, Technical and Agricultural school leaders and admission teams may use these reports to establish a common understanding of trends, inform collaboration with regional stakeholders, enhance recruitment and admission strategies, and thus better serve students across the Commonwealth.

*CTE Population Trends & CTE Performance Trends
The Department (in collaboration with researchers at Vanderbilt University) developed these interactive CTE data tools that compare student enrollment for several subgroups (including students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged or low income students, students of color, English Learners, and gender) and performance data (attendance, discipline, and 8th grade MCAS score for incoming students) over multiple years to examine trends.

These comparative enrollment tools provide trend data for each vocational school, Gateway Cities in aggregate, and statewide, over the last several years for these subgroups. The interactive reports include graphs comparing incoming and attending students with incoming and attending students in a school's anchor municipalities (i.e., the municipalities that represent the largest share of enrolled students), as well as students in the catchment area or region.

Last Updated: March 27, 2024

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