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Educator Effectiveness

2024 Guidelines for the Professional Standards for Teachers and Candidate Assessment of Performance

In accordance with DESE's Educational Vision, we are pleased to announce updates to guidance and tools for defining, developing, and supporting effective teaching practice in the Commonwealth that center evidence-based, culturally and linguistically sustaining practices necessary to advance equitable learning opportunities for all students.

The PSTs define the pedagogical knowledge and skills required of all teachers as they complete preparation programs in Massachusetts. The PSTs and corresponding performance assessment (CAP) have been updated to ensure continued alignment with the Standards of Effective Practice for K–12 educators so that beginning teachers are well-prepared with the knowledge and skills needed to serve all of their students, particularly those from systemically marginalized groups and communities.

Together, these frameworks reflect a critically important shift in focus towards the evidence-based, culturally and linguistically sustaining practices necessary to support all students to attain academic knowledge and skills, understand and value themselves and others, and engage with the world. We look forward to continuing to partner with you in support of this work.

All Initial Teacher preparation programs are expected to fully implement the 2024 PST Guidelines and 2024 CAP Guidelines beginning in the 2025-2026 academic year. In 2024-2025, each sponsoring organization must employ an implementation plan to prepare its personnel and candidates for full implementation by 2025-2026. An overview of the implementation timeline is below; additional information regarding implementation resources will be provided in the coming months.

Resources for 2024-2025 PST/CAP Implementation

PST and CAP Implementation Support

These opportunities will provide support, collaboration, and learning on the 2024 Guidelines for the Professional Standards for Teachers (PSTs) and 2024 Guidelines for the Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) to prepare for their full implementation in 2025-2026. These opportunities will be designed for those involved in Initial Teacher programs.

The updated Guidelines were released in June 2024 and include significant changes, including updated levels of practice, modifications to the expectations of supervising practitioners and program supervisors when conducting observations, and changes to CAP evidence collection, among others. SOs must implement these changes beginning in the 2025-2026 academic year. In support of implementation planning throughout 2024-2025, DESE will provide multiple opportunities for SO personnel, program supervisors, supervising practitioners, and district personnel to learn more about the updates.

These opportunities were designed through extensive input, including public comment on the 2024 CAP and PST Guidelines, virtual and in-person CAP and PST Guidelines roundtables, and the 2023-2024 CAP and PST Working Group. Support for using the Early Literacy Observation Form, in particular providing high-quality feedback to candidates on culturally and linguistically sustaining practices in early literacy will be interwoven with these opportunities.

Opportunity or ResourceLinks, Date(s), & Registration Info
Statement of Assurance and Implementation Plan Templates
Each sponsoring organization is expected to complete and submit a statement of assurance and high-level implementation plan attesting to their commitment to prepare for full implementation of the updated PST and CAP Guidelines in 2025-2026.
See above for templates.
PST and CAP Info Sessions
These info sessions will provide an overview to key audiences about the updates to the PST and CAP Guidelines and provide time to answer questions. They will be held virtually and recordings will be shared for those who cannot attend.
Info Session Recordings Info Session Slides

Info Session Q&As

NAFSCE and DESE Drop-In Session on Family and Community Engagement in CAP
One-hour virtual session on the topic of family and community engagement, focusing on how evidence can be used to demonstrate this expectation in CAP.

Drop-In Session Recording — December 5, 2024

Family Engagement Drop-In Session Slides

Communities of Practice
Series of collaborative meetings led by members of the prep field to calibrate evidence for each Essential Element. Evidence produced during Communities of Practice will be archived and published as examples on the DESE website.

Sessions will run between January–April 2025

Registration link for Subject Matter Knowledge & Inclusive Instruction - Facilitated by Rebekah Louis and Lyndsey Benharris
Dates: February 6th, February 27th, March 25th (9am–11 am)

Registration link for Reflective Practice & Safe Learning Environment - Facilitated by Valerie Annear and Lynn Dole
Dates: February 7th, February 21st, March 14th (10am–12pm)

Registration link for Adjustments to Practice, High Expectations and Support & Collaboration on Student Learning and Well-Being - Facilitated by Ellen Ballock
Dates: February 12th, March 12th, April 9th (10am–12pm)

Community of Practice: Significant Implementation Cohort
Series of peer-directed meetings to collaboratively problem solve issues related to implementation of the 2024 CAP and PST Guidelines. Open to sponsoring organizations who are executing significant implementation of the 2024 CAP and PST Guidelines during the 2024-2025 academic year. DESE will use these sessions to inform future supports and resources.
Sessions will take place monthly throughout the 2024-2025 academic year.

PST and CAP Drop-in Sessions
One-hour virtual sessions led by members of the prep field. Featured topics:

  • Using evidence
  • Providing feedback
  • Training supervisors
  • Adjusting coursework to align with updated PSTs

Please consider facilitating a session. There will be a $200 stipend for facilitating. Applications will close January 31st.

Application Link

CAP Introduction Videos
These will be published on the DESE website describing the purpose and structure of CAP, intended for supervising practitioners and candidates.
Fall 2024 (see above)
Updated CAP Handbook
Handbook providing suggestions and resources to support CAP implementation.
Fall 2024 (see above)
Updated Optional CAP Forms and Protocols
Optional forms and protocols for implementation of CAP.
Fall 2024 (see above)
Quick Reference Guides
Short reference guides describing specific areas in need of more clarification, as requested from the field.
Fall 2024 (see above)
CAP Online Platform
The CAP Online Platform will be revised to align with the 2024 Guidelines for the Candidate Performance of Assessment.
Summer/Fall 2024: Input and Planning
Winter/Spring 2025: Building, Testing, and Feedback
July 31, 2025: Launch updated Platform

Please reach out to with any questions.

Updates to the PST and CAP Guidelines

During the 2023-2024 school year, DESE gathered survey feedback from over 200 representatives from educator preparation programs and PK–12 districts across Massachusetts. DESE also convened a working group of educator preparation program leaders and faculty, program supervisors, supervising practitioners, recent completers, and other PK–12 representatives to inform the updates to these Guidelines. Each member of the working group was selected for their commitment to anti-racist teaching practices as well as their recent, nuanced, and varied experiences with the Candidate Assessment of Performance.

DESE used this input from the field alongside the research base showing the importance and developmental trajectory of specific evidence-based skills that foster culturally and linguistically sustaining practices in beginning teachers to inform updates to these Guidelines. Updates were also informed by research on the predictive validity of CAP1, as well as ongoing research on teacher quality and impact in Massachusetts2.

Revisions to the Guidelines were directly informed by updates to the Standards of Effective Practice, which reflect input from educators, students, and families across Massachusetts on anti-racist, inclusive, and equitable practices. The Essential Elements remain aligned with the core language and expectations described in the Standards of Effective Practice and articulated in the PST Guidelines.

2023-2024 PST/CAP Working Group Members:

  • Valerie Annear, Springfield College
  • Ellen Ballock, Gordon College
  • Carminia Lissette Castillo, BlackPrint Education Consulting
  • Carmelo Chiello, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Linda Davis-Delano, Springfield College
  • Lisa Doherty, Teach Western Mass
  • Marian Dyer, Billerica Public Schools
  • Katherine Jensen, Hopkinton Public Schools
  • Rebekah Louis, Stonehill College
  • Audra Marini, Worcester Public Schools
  • Rashaun Martin, Boston Public Schools
  • Tamy-Fee Meneide, Neighborhood House Charter School
  • Marisa Olivo, Boston Public Schools
  • Raphael Rogers, Clark University
  • Juan Manuel Rosendoza, Teach For America Massachusetts
  • De'Shawn Washington, Lexington Public Schools
  • Ruth Whalen Crockett, New Teachers Collaborative, Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School

1 Chen, B., Cowan, J., Goldhaber, D., & Theobald, R. (2023). Assessing the Predictive Validity of the Massachusetts Candidate Assessment of Performance. Educational Policy, 0(0).

2 See the Continuous Improvement page on DESE's Educator Preparation website for additional information.

Last Updated: January 23, 2025

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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